(# corresponding author)
49. L. Prahl, J. Liu, J. Viola, A. Huang, T. Chan, G. Hayward-Lara, C. Porter, C. Shi, J. Zhang, and A. Hughes. Jamming of nephron-forming niches in the developing mouse kidney creates cyclical mechanical stresses. Nature Materials 2024. [pdf]
48. M. Wang, S. Zhao, C. Shi, M. Guyot, M. Liao, J. Tauer, B. Willie, N. Cobetto, C. Aubin, E. Kuster-Schock, P. Drapeau, J. Zhang, N. Wu, and Z. Kibar. Planar cell polarity zebrafish models of congenital scoliosis reveal novel underlying defects in notochord morphogenesis Development 2024. [pdf]
47. A. Chougule, C. Zhang, N. Vinokurov, D. Mendez, E. Vojtisek, C. Shi, J. Zhang, and J. Gardinier. Purinergic signaling through the P2Y2 receptor
regulates osteocytes’ mechanosensitivity. Journal of Cell Biology 223, 2024. [pdf]
46. Y. Ambekar, C. Caiaffa, B. Wlodarczyk, M. Singh, A. Schill, J. Steele, J. Zhang, S. Aglyamov, G. Scarcelli, R. Finnell, and K. Larin. Optical coherence tomography-guided Brillouin microscopy highlights regional tissue stiffness differences during anterior neural tube closure in the Mthfd1l murine mutant. Development 151, 2024. [pdf]
45. I. Kabakova, J. Zhang, Y. Xiang, S. Caponi, A. Bilenca, J. Guck, and G. Scarcelli. Brillouin microscopy. Nature Review Methods Primers 4, 8, 2024. [pdf]
44. C. Shi, Y. Yan, M. Mehrmohammadi#, and J. Zhang#, Versatile multimodal modality based on Brillouin light scattering and the photoacoustic effect, Optics Letters, 48, 3427, 2023. [pdf]
43. J. Zhang#, M. Nikolic, K. Tanner, and G. Scarcelli#, Rapid biomechanical imaging at low irradiation level via dual line-scanning Brillouin microscopy, Nature Methods, 2023. [pdf] [SI] News and Views by Nature Methods. [pdf]
42. C. Shi, C. Handler, H. Florn, and J. Zhang#, Monitoring the Mechanical Evolution of Tissue During Neural Tube Closure of Chick Embryo, JoVE, 201, e66117, 2023. [pdf] [material list]
41. R.P. Gogoi, S. Galoforo, A. Fox, C. Morris, H. Ramos, V.K. Gogoi, H. Chehade, N.K. Adzibolosu, C. Shi , J. Zhang, R. Tedja, R. Morris, A.B. Alvero, and G. Mor. A Novel Role of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in the Regulation of the Epithelial Phenotype. Cancers. 2023; 15(19):4834. [pdf]
40. N. Gao, P. Lee, J. Zhang, and F. Yu, Ocular nociception and neuropathic pain initiated by blue light stress in C57BL/6J mice, Pain, 1-11, 2023. [pdf]
39. C. Shi, H. Zhang and J. Zhang#, Non-contact and label-free biomechanical imaging: Stimulated Brillouin microscopy and beyond, Frontiers in Physics, 11:1175653, 2023. [pdf]
38. C. Handler, G. Scarcelli and J. Zhang#, Time-lapse mechanical imaging of neural tube closure in live embryo using Brillouin microscopy, Scientific Reports, 13,263, 2023. [pdf]
37. Y. S. Ambekar, M. Singh, A. W. Schill, J. Zhang, C. Zevallos-Delgado, B. Khajavi, S. R. Aglyamov, R. H. Finnell, G. Scarcelli, and K. V. Larin, Multimodal imaging system combining optical coherence tomography and Brillouin microscopy for neural tube imaging, Optics Letters, 47, 1347-1350, 2022. [pdf]
49. L. Prahl, J. Liu, J. Viola, A. Huang, T. Chan, G. Hayward-Lara, C. Porter, C. Shi, J. Zhang, and A. Hughes. Jamming of nephron-forming niches in the developing mouse kidney creates cyclical mechanical stresses. Nature Materials 2024. [pdf]
48. M. Wang, S. Zhao, C. Shi, M. Guyot, M. Liao, J. Tauer, B. Willie, N. Cobetto, C. Aubin, E. Kuster-Schock, P. Drapeau, J. Zhang, N. Wu, and Z. Kibar. Planar cell polarity zebrafish models of congenital scoliosis reveal novel underlying defects in notochord morphogenesis Development 2024. [pdf]
47. A. Chougule, C. Zhang, N. Vinokurov, D. Mendez, E. Vojtisek, C. Shi, J. Zhang, and J. Gardinier. Purinergic signaling through the P2Y2 receptor
regulates osteocytes’ mechanosensitivity. Journal of Cell Biology 223, 2024. [pdf]
46. Y. Ambekar, C. Caiaffa, B. Wlodarczyk, M. Singh, A. Schill, J. Steele, J. Zhang, S. Aglyamov, G. Scarcelli, R. Finnell, and K. Larin. Optical coherence tomography-guided Brillouin microscopy highlights regional tissue stiffness differences during anterior neural tube closure in the Mthfd1l murine mutant. Development 151, 2024. [pdf]
45. I. Kabakova, J. Zhang, Y. Xiang, S. Caponi, A. Bilenca, J. Guck, and G. Scarcelli. Brillouin microscopy. Nature Review Methods Primers 4, 8, 2024. [pdf]
44. C. Shi, Y. Yan, M. Mehrmohammadi#, and J. Zhang#, Versatile multimodal modality based on Brillouin light scattering and the photoacoustic effect, Optics Letters, 48, 3427, 2023. [pdf]
43. J. Zhang#, M. Nikolic, K. Tanner, and G. Scarcelli#, Rapid biomechanical imaging at low irradiation level via dual line-scanning Brillouin microscopy, Nature Methods, 2023. [pdf] [SI] News and Views by Nature Methods. [pdf]
42. C. Shi, C. Handler, H. Florn, and J. Zhang#, Monitoring the Mechanical Evolution of Tissue During Neural Tube Closure of Chick Embryo, JoVE, 201, e66117, 2023. [pdf] [material list]
41. R.P. Gogoi, S. Galoforo, A. Fox, C. Morris, H. Ramos, V.K. Gogoi, H. Chehade, N.K. Adzibolosu, C. Shi , J. Zhang, R. Tedja, R. Morris, A.B. Alvero, and G. Mor. A Novel Role of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in the Regulation of the Epithelial Phenotype. Cancers. 2023; 15(19):4834. [pdf]
40. N. Gao, P. Lee, J. Zhang, and F. Yu, Ocular nociception and neuropathic pain initiated by blue light stress in C57BL/6J mice, Pain, 1-11, 2023. [pdf]
39. C. Shi, H. Zhang and J. Zhang#, Non-contact and label-free biomechanical imaging: Stimulated Brillouin microscopy and beyond, Frontiers in Physics, 11:1175653, 2023. [pdf]
38. C. Handler, G. Scarcelli and J. Zhang#, Time-lapse mechanical imaging of neural tube closure in live embryo using Brillouin microscopy, Scientific Reports, 13,263, 2023. [pdf]
37. Y. S. Ambekar, M. Singh, A. W. Schill, J. Zhang, C. Zevallos-Delgado, B. Khajavi, S. R. Aglyamov, R. H. Finnell, G. Scarcelli, and K. V. Larin, Multimodal imaging system combining optical coherence tomography and Brillouin microscopy for neural tube imaging, Optics Letters, 47, 1347-1350, 2022. [pdf]
# Before 2022
36. J. Zhang# and G. Scarcelli#, Mapping mechanical properties of biological materials via an add-on Brillouin module to confocal microscopes, Nature Protocols, 2021. [pdf]
35. A. Roberts, J. Zhang, V. Singh, M. Nikolic, E. Moeendarbary, R. D. Kamm, T.C. So, G. Scarcelli, Tumor cell nuclei soften during transendothelial migration, J Biomechanics, 121, 110400, 2021. [pdf]
34. J. Zhang, F. Alisafaei, M. Nikolić, X. A. Nou, H. Kim, V. B. Shenoy, and G. Scarcelli, Nuclear Mechanics within Intact Cells Is Regulated by Cytoskeletal Network and Internal Nanostructures, Small, 1907688, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201907688) Supplementary Information (*featured as Inside Cover) [pdf] [SI]
33. Wisniewski et al., Dorsoventral polarity directs cell responses to migration track geometries, Science Advances, 6, eaba6505, 2020. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba6505 ) [pdf] [SI]
32. Y. S. Ambekar, M. Singh, J. Zhang, A. Nair, S.R. Aglyamov, G. Scarcelli, and K. V. Larin,Multimodal quantitative optical elastography of the crystalline lens with optical coherence elastography and Brillouin microscopy, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(4), 2041-2051, 2020 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.387361). [pdf]
31. J. Zhang*, R. Raghunathan*, J. Rippy, C. Wu, R. H. Finnell, K. V. Larin, and G. Scarcelli, Tissue biomechanics during cranial neural tube closure measured by Brillouin microscopy and optical coherence tomography, Birth Defects Research,1-8, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/bdr2.1389) (* co-first author), Secondary Report about this work at A. James Clark School: Technology to deliver images of birth defect as it happens, at IEEE Shedding New Light on Disease Pathogenesis, Birth Defects, and at Editorial of BRD Journal Summary of the 10th international conference on neural tube defects. [pdf]
30. K. Yan, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, S. O. Correa, W. Shang, C.-C. Tsai, W. E Bentley, J. Shen, G. Scarcelli, C. B. Raub, X.-W. Shi, and G. F. Payne,Electrical Programming of Soft Matter: Using Temporally Varying Electrical Inputs to Spatially Control Self Assembly, Biomacromolecules, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01464). [pdf] [SI]
29. R. Raghunathan*, J. Zhang*, C. Wu, J. Rippy, M. Singh, K. V. Larin, and G. Scarcelli, Evaluating biomechanical properties of murine embryos using Brillouin microscopy and optical coherence tomography, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22, 086013 (2017) (* co-first author) [pdf]
28. J. Zhang, X. Nou, H. Kim, and G. Scarcelli , Brillouin flow cytometry for label-free mechanical phenotyping of the nucleus, Lab on a chip, 17, 663-670 (2017). (*featured as front cover) [pdf]
27. J. Zhang, A. Fiore, S.-H. Yun, H. Kim, and G. Scarcelli , Line-scanning Brillouin microscopy for rapid non-invasive mechanical imaging, Scientific Reports, 6, 35398 (1-8) (2016). Secondary Report about this work at HFSP: Rapid imaging of tissue mechanical properties. [pdf] [SI]
26. P. Shao, S. Besner, J. Zhang, G. Scarcelli, and S.-H. Yun, Etalon filters for Brillouin microscopy of highly scattering tissues, Optics Express, 24, 22232-22238 (2016). [pdf]
25. A. Fiore, J. Zhang, P. Shao, S.- H. Yun and G. Scarcelli, High-extinction virtually imaged phased array-based Brillouin spectroscopy of turbid biological media, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 203701 (2016) Secondary Report about this work at Phys.Org: Peering into tissue stiffness with VIPA-based Brillouin spectroscopy [pdf]
24. K. Berghaus, J. Zhang, S.-H. Yun, and G. Scarcelli, High-finesse sub-GHz-resolution spectrometer employing VIPA etalons of different dispersion, Optics Letters, 40(19),4436-4439(2015) [pdf]
23. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, and H. Xin, Detection properties of photoconductive antennas fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs and ErAs:GaAs at subterahertz band, Optical Engineering, 59(6), 061619 (2020) . [pdf]
22. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Gehl, R. Gibson, M. Liang, and H. Xin, Enhanced terahertz radiation of photoconductive antenna fabricated on GaAs-on-sapphire, AIP Advances. 9, 125234 (2019). [pdf]
21. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, X. Wang, and H. Xin, Contribution assessment of antenna structure and in-gap photocurrent in terahertz radiation of photoconductive antenna, J. Appl. Phys. 124, 053107 (2018). [pdf]
20. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, W. Ng, M. Gehm, and H. Xin, Terahertz radiation of a butterfly-shaped photoconductive antenna, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 48(4), 402001-402009 (2019). (front cover) [pdf]
19. P. Huang, J. Zhang, Y. Li and H. Wei, Real-time absolute air refractometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 056107(2014)
18. X. Wu, H. Wei, H. Zhang, L. Ren, Y. Li and J. Zhang, Absolute distance measurement using frequency-sweeping heterodyne interferometer calibrated by an optical frequency comb, Applied Optics, 52(10), 2042-2048(2013)
17. J. Zhang,P. Huang, Y. Li, and H. Wei Design and performance of an absolute gas refractometer based on a synthetic pseudo-wavelength method, Applied Optics, 52(16), 3671-3679(2013)
16. X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, H. Yang, G. Yang, and J. Zhang Interferometric diameter determination of a silicon sphere using a traceable single laser frequency synthesizer , Meas. Sci. Technol., 24 115202(2013)
15. J. Zhang, X. Wu, and Y. Li, Mixed polarization in determining the film thickness of a silicon sphere by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Chin. Phys. B,21(1), 010701(2012)
14. X. Wu, J. Zhang, H. Wei, and Y. Li, Phase-shifting interferometer using a frequency-tunable diode laser calibrated by an optical frequency comb. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, 073107(2012)
13. J. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, Method for improving the accuracy of step height measurement based on optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 61(10), 100601(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
12. J. Zhang, P. Huang, Y. Li, H. Wei, Dispersion of nitrogen gas at wavelengths from 0.145μm to 2.058μm in standard condition, Acta Optica Sinica, 8, 0812004(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
11. X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, J. Zhang, Femtosecond optical frequency combs for precision measurement application, Laser & Optoelectronics Prog., 49, 030001(2012) (Review Paper, in Chinese)
10. Z. Luo, K. Zhao, J. Zhang, and C. Chen, Absolute density determination for a single crystal silicon sphere. Chin. Sci. Bull., 57, 1281-1289(2012) (Review Paper, in Chinese)
9. X. Wu, H. Wei, M. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Frequency measurement of dual frequency He-Ne laser based on a femtosecond optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 18, 180601(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
8. L. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Zhu, J. Zhang, Method on double-pass acousto-optic frequency shifter in absolute distance measurement using Fabry-Pérot interferometry, Acta Physica Sinica, 61, 180701(2012)(Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
7. M. Zhu, X. Wu, H. Wei, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, and Y. Li, Closed-loop displacement control system for piezoelectric transducer based on optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 62(7), 070702(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
6. J. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Li, Uncertainty reevaluation in determining the volume of a silicon sphere by spherical harmonics in an Avogadro project. Chin. Phys. B, 20(9), 090601(2011)
5. Y. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Luo, Determination of the Avogadro constant and the redefinition of the kilogram. Chin. Sci. Bull., 56, 717-724(2011) ( Review Paper, in Chinese)
4. J. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Wu, Z. Luo, H. Wei, Determining mean thickness of the oxide layer by mapping the surface of a silicon sphere. Optics Express, 18(7), 7331-7339(2010)
3. Z. Luo, Y. Gu, J. Zhang, L. Yang, and L. Guo, Interferometric Measurement of the Diameter of a Silicon Sphere With a Mechanical Scanning Method. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 59(11), 1-6(2010)
2. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Luo, X. Wu, Determination of mean thickness of an oxide layer on a silicon sphere by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(5), 050601(2010)
1. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Luo, A traceable calibration method for spectroscopic ellipsometry. Acta Physica Sinica, 59(1), 186-191(2010) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
35. A. Roberts, J. Zhang, V. Singh, M. Nikolic, E. Moeendarbary, R. D. Kamm, T.C. So, G. Scarcelli, Tumor cell nuclei soften during transendothelial migration, J Biomechanics, 121, 110400, 2021. [pdf]
34. J. Zhang, F. Alisafaei, M. Nikolić, X. A. Nou, H. Kim, V. B. Shenoy, and G. Scarcelli, Nuclear Mechanics within Intact Cells Is Regulated by Cytoskeletal Network and Internal Nanostructures, Small, 1907688, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201907688) Supplementary Information (*featured as Inside Cover) [pdf] [SI]
33. Wisniewski et al., Dorsoventral polarity directs cell responses to migration track geometries, Science Advances, 6, eaba6505, 2020. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba6505 ) [pdf] [SI]
32. Y. S. Ambekar, M. Singh, J. Zhang, A. Nair, S.R. Aglyamov, G. Scarcelli, and K. V. Larin,Multimodal quantitative optical elastography of the crystalline lens with optical coherence elastography and Brillouin microscopy, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(4), 2041-2051, 2020 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.387361). [pdf]
31. J. Zhang*, R. Raghunathan*, J. Rippy, C. Wu, R. H. Finnell, K. V. Larin, and G. Scarcelli, Tissue biomechanics during cranial neural tube closure measured by Brillouin microscopy and optical coherence tomography, Birth Defects Research,1-8, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/bdr2.1389) (* co-first author), Secondary Report about this work at A. James Clark School: Technology to deliver images of birth defect as it happens, at IEEE Shedding New Light on Disease Pathogenesis, Birth Defects, and at Editorial of BRD Journal Summary of the 10th international conference on neural tube defects. [pdf]
30. K. Yan, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, S. O. Correa, W. Shang, C.-C. Tsai, W. E Bentley, J. Shen, G. Scarcelli, C. B. Raub, X.-W. Shi, and G. F. Payne,Electrical Programming of Soft Matter: Using Temporally Varying Electrical Inputs to Spatially Control Self Assembly, Biomacromolecules, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01464). [pdf] [SI]
29. R. Raghunathan*, J. Zhang*, C. Wu, J. Rippy, M. Singh, K. V. Larin, and G. Scarcelli, Evaluating biomechanical properties of murine embryos using Brillouin microscopy and optical coherence tomography, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22, 086013 (2017) (* co-first author) [pdf]
28. J. Zhang, X. Nou, H. Kim, and G. Scarcelli , Brillouin flow cytometry for label-free mechanical phenotyping of the nucleus, Lab on a chip, 17, 663-670 (2017). (*featured as front cover) [pdf]
27. J. Zhang, A. Fiore, S.-H. Yun, H. Kim, and G. Scarcelli , Line-scanning Brillouin microscopy for rapid non-invasive mechanical imaging, Scientific Reports, 6, 35398 (1-8) (2016). Secondary Report about this work at HFSP: Rapid imaging of tissue mechanical properties. [pdf] [SI]
26. P. Shao, S. Besner, J. Zhang, G. Scarcelli, and S.-H. Yun, Etalon filters for Brillouin microscopy of highly scattering tissues, Optics Express, 24, 22232-22238 (2016). [pdf]
25. A. Fiore, J. Zhang, P. Shao, S.- H. Yun and G. Scarcelli, High-extinction virtually imaged phased array-based Brillouin spectroscopy of turbid biological media, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 203701 (2016) Secondary Report about this work at Phys.Org: Peering into tissue stiffness with VIPA-based Brillouin spectroscopy [pdf]
24. K. Berghaus, J. Zhang, S.-H. Yun, and G. Scarcelli, High-finesse sub-GHz-resolution spectrometer employing VIPA etalons of different dispersion, Optics Letters, 40(19),4436-4439(2015) [pdf]
23. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, and H. Xin, Detection properties of photoconductive antennas fabricated on low-temperature-grown GaAs and ErAs:GaAs at subterahertz band, Optical Engineering, 59(6), 061619 (2020) . [pdf]
22. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Gehl, R. Gibson, M. Liang, and H. Xin, Enhanced terahertz radiation of photoconductive antenna fabricated on GaAs-on-sapphire, AIP Advances. 9, 125234 (2019). [pdf]
21. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, X. Wang, and H. Xin, Contribution assessment of antenna structure and in-gap photocurrent in terahertz radiation of photoconductive antenna, J. Appl. Phys. 124, 053107 (2018). [pdf]
20. J. Zhang#, M. Tuo, M. Liang, W. Ng, M. Gehm, and H. Xin, Terahertz radiation of a butterfly-shaped photoconductive antenna, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 48(4), 402001-402009 (2019). (front cover) [pdf]
19. P. Huang, J. Zhang, Y. Li and H. Wei, Real-time absolute air refractometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 056107(2014)
18. X. Wu, H. Wei, H. Zhang, L. Ren, Y. Li and J. Zhang, Absolute distance measurement using frequency-sweeping heterodyne interferometer calibrated by an optical frequency comb, Applied Optics, 52(10), 2042-2048(2013)
17. J. Zhang,P. Huang, Y. Li, and H. Wei Design and performance of an absolute gas refractometer based on a synthetic pseudo-wavelength method, Applied Optics, 52(16), 3671-3679(2013)
16. X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, H. Yang, G. Yang, and J. Zhang Interferometric diameter determination of a silicon sphere using a traceable single laser frequency synthesizer , Meas. Sci. Technol., 24 115202(2013)
15. J. Zhang, X. Wu, and Y. Li, Mixed polarization in determining the film thickness of a silicon sphere by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Chin. Phys. B,21(1), 010701(2012)
14. X. Wu, J. Zhang, H. Wei, and Y. Li, Phase-shifting interferometer using a frequency-tunable diode laser calibrated by an optical frequency comb. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, 073107(2012)
13. J. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, Method for improving the accuracy of step height measurement based on optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 61(10), 100601(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
12. J. Zhang, P. Huang, Y. Li, H. Wei, Dispersion of nitrogen gas at wavelengths from 0.145μm to 2.058μm in standard condition, Acta Optica Sinica, 8, 0812004(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
11. X. Wu, Y. Li, H. Wei, J. Zhang, Femtosecond optical frequency combs for precision measurement application, Laser & Optoelectronics Prog., 49, 030001(2012) (Review Paper, in Chinese)
10. Z. Luo, K. Zhao, J. Zhang, and C. Chen, Absolute density determination for a single crystal silicon sphere. Chin. Sci. Bull., 57, 1281-1289(2012) (Review Paper, in Chinese)
9. X. Wu, H. Wei, M. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Frequency measurement of dual frequency He-Ne laser based on a femtosecond optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 18, 180601(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
8. L. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Zhu, J. Zhang, Method on double-pass acousto-optic frequency shifter in absolute distance measurement using Fabry-Pérot interferometry, Acta Physica Sinica, 61, 180701(2012)(Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
7. M. Zhu, X. Wu, H. Wei, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, and Y. Li, Closed-loop displacement control system for piezoelectric transducer based on optical frequency comb, Acta Physica Sinica, 62(7), 070702(2012) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)
6. J. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Li, Uncertainty reevaluation in determining the volume of a silicon sphere by spherical harmonics in an Avogadro project. Chin. Phys. B, 20(9), 090601(2011)
5. Y. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Luo, Determination of the Avogadro constant and the redefinition of the kilogram. Chin. Sci. Bull., 56, 717-724(2011) ( Review Paper, in Chinese)
4. J. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Wu, Z. Luo, H. Wei, Determining mean thickness of the oxide layer by mapping the surface of a silicon sphere. Optics Express, 18(7), 7331-7339(2010)
3. Z. Luo, Y. Gu, J. Zhang, L. Yang, and L. Guo, Interferometric Measurement of the Diameter of a Silicon Sphere With a Mechanical Scanning Method. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 59(11), 1-6(2010)
2. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Luo, X. Wu, Determination of mean thickness of an oxide layer on a silicon sphere by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(5), 050601(2010)
1. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Luo, A traceable calibration method for spectroscopic ellipsometry. Acta Physica Sinica, 59(1), 186-191(2010) (Abstract in English, Text in Chinese)